Or…a question not asked during a heat wave!
I was going to tell you about the many outfits I’ve seen on the streets of the City during this disgusting hot weather, but the post seemed just a little boring so I did some editing and here it is. Take a nap if you need to. It’s hot outside.
To begin, I certainly did not spend much time outdoors when the thermostats were reaching their breaking points, but sometimes one has stuff to do. So in my best fashionista style, with apologies to Anna Wintour, here’s my take on what I saw.
I noticed, on my way to wherever, was that men, as usual, have it so easy. Give them shorts, a shirt, a t-shirt, maybe pants and a blazer and they’re set. I did see one handsome chap walking up Madison in a seersucker suit with a straw hat placed jauntily on his head. Looking very cool and very stylish and he knew it!
Women have many more fun choices, but invariably I noticed that we seem to conform to our age group. Teenagers, on these simmering days, were mostly in denim shorts with a wide variety of tops: tanks, tees, and shirts. . Plus they love wearing their flip flops and sneakers as they travel through the City in pairs, in groups or solo. Very cool and comfortable…giggling and just having fun. Brings to mind that Cyndi Lauper song, “Girls Just Want To Have Fun”
The next group, in my humble opinion, is that mysterious age for women somewhere in their twenties and thirties. Their preferred styles were mostly dresses and skirts: long, short, mini, maxi you name it. Colors were amazing. One woman had on a beautiful orange silky dress and flats. Another looked so comfortable and chic in a white linen ruffled long dress and sneakers. More than a few wore hats and some carried an umbrella to keep off the hot sun as they hurried along. What a difference from winter…when dark is the name of the game.
I couldn’t help but look, as did everyone else, when a tall woman probably in that mysterious age came towards us in a body hugging yellow flowered mini mini mini dress looking drop dead gorgeous with high strappy heels on her feet. Well aware of the impact she was making, as she walked along on the arm of a smiling happy fellow. As I passed them, I thought is that little thing you’re wearing really a dress or is it hiding a tiny bikini underneath as you make your way to someone’s pool or is it actually your swim suit? Hmmmm
Then, why I love this city, surprises happen at anytime and anywhere. I came upon, what I decided to call, The Pink Wedding Party being photographed in the middle of Madison Avenue. Catch the woman in the background in the orange striped mini dress and sneakers trying to get home and out of the sun who didn’t care about the pink clad people or the traffic waiting when the light changed so the photographer could finish his shoot.

I must mention what I like to drink on these kind of days… like an Aperol Spritz or a Prosecco or a minty iced Mojito. Although a really nice tequila on the rocks can be quite pleasant.
OK folks, I didn’t cover every outfit I saw just some that I thought stood out. I really enjoyed seeing the number of seniors like myself who were stuck indoors during the hottest days, but sure knew how to dress when they emerged onto the streets. The trick was again loose flowing pants, blouses, skirts and dresses allowing even a hint of a breeze cool them, their canes and their walkers. Happy to be out and about, just like me.
As I finish this post, I thought I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the many people suffering without air conditioning or are homeless who are deeply concerned with how to escape the oppressive heat. One of the steps the City took during the worst of the days was to open the Libraries on Sunday as cooling centers. I did not mean in this piece to show any lack of empathy for those less fortunate, if it read that way, I deeply apologize.
Photos: Washington Square Park courtesy of Getty Images
Pink Wedding Party by me!
Disclaimer: I try for correct info on my posts, but no guarantees people.
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