Or….what at least two other  people were doing when I stopped for a bottle of wine to drink while watching our presidential candidates at their last debacle, whoops, debate.

Well, as one woman laughingly  asked me, as I picked up a bottle of red and went back for a bottle of white,  “What are you doing  getting ready to watch the debate, like me?”  We bothed laughed, and I said, “Maybe I should pick up a bottle of bourbon too.”   And a man near us said, “That’s what I’m buying.”

Enjoy!   It will all be over in a few weeks and we can go back to binge watching our favorite shows.


,vote: Pop art woman with megaphone and go vote typography


Author: Kay

I knew when I started my blog I wanted to reach out to seniors like myself. I wanted to share my stories and even be a bit of a tour guide on what I’ve learned and the fun I’ve had at famous and not so famous New York places.

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